luni, 22 ianuarie 2007


The Editorial Board of FOCUS INSTITUT Review is prepared to consider for publication:
• Research reports;
• Critical reviews of psychology literature;
• Theoretical contributions;
• Book reviews;
• Interviews and anything else that can help in understanding the psychological and sociological conditions of humans, the phenomena and social movements.
Papers will be evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of scientific merit, readability, and interest to a general readership.
For your benefits, FOCUS INSTITUT will try to appear monthly.
The deadlines for submitting your articles are as it follows: January 15th, April 15th, July 15h and October 15th, respectively.
The papers will be submitted electronically by email. Acceptable formats for electronic submission: Microsoft Word (.doc, .rtf) format. All articles should be at single line spaced and formatted using Garamond, 12pt font.
All articles (research reports, theoretical contributions, literature reviews) must include in the beginning the key words and an abstract of no more than 100 words.
The abstract of research reports should state briefly the following: topic, hypotheses, method, participants, conclusions and their significance.
The abstract of literature reviews and theoretical contributions should state briefly the following: topic, theses, bibliographical sources, analysis criteria, conclusions and their significance.
Articles should be written in proficient English and they are expected to be logical, well-organized, and concise.
For reference citations, please use APA style. Particular care should be taken to ensure that references are accurate and complete. References should be listed in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the References. Basic formats are as follows:
1. Gorgos C. (coord.), Dicţionar de Psihiatrie. Vol.4, Editura Medicală, 1994,
2. Lisievici P., Calitatea învăţământului şi curriculum-ul. Revista de pedagogie, nr.3-4, 1994,
3. Minulescu M., Chestionarele de personalitate în evaluarea psihologică. Garell Publishing House, Bucureşti, 1996,
4. Macovei R.Alex.(coord.), Elemente de toxicologia drogurilor. Aspecte medicale, toxicologice, psihosociale, psihiatrice şi juridice. Editura IESPU Focus, Bucureşti, 2006,
5. Sreeve J., Beyond the brain.pag 2-32, in National Geographic. Martie 2005,
6. Stanciu Fl., Toma D., Particularităţi ale cercetării incendiilor şi exploziilor. Editura Focus, Bucureşti, 2005,
7. Tihan E., Concepte cheie în Sociologie, Demografie şi Politici Sociale. Editura FOCUS INSTITUT, Bucureşti, 2004,
8. Toma D., Psihologia martorului şi tactica scultării. Editura FOCUS, Bucureşti, 2005,
9. Toma D., Psihologia învinuitului-inculpatului şi tactica audierii în procesul penal. Editura FOCUS INSTITUT, Bucureşti, 2006.
10. ***, How to read Faces. Jainco Publishers, Delhi, India.
All tables, figures, captions must be edited in Jpg, Tiff, EPS, PowerPoint or other compatible format and inserted in the text A4 formatted.
The articles and all materials who submitted for publishing will have a short presentation of the activity of author(s), briefly professional CV who will contain the complete adress for corespondence:
Andrei G. Pakhomov, Yahya Akyel, Olga N. Pakhomova, Bruce E. Stuck, and Michael R. Murphy
McKesson BioServices (A.G.P., Y.A., O.N.P.), U. S. Army Medical Research Detachment of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (B.E.S.), and Directed Energy Bioeffects Division, Human Effectiveness Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory (M.R.M.), Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX
Department of Physiology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Address for correspondence:
Andrei G. PakhomovUSA-MCMR, McKesson BioServices,8308 Hawks Road, Building 1168,Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX 78235-5324PHONE (210)536-5599FAX (210)536-5382E-MAIL;
Submit one copy of the article to the e-mail address provided below. The author's name and institutional affiliation should appear on the first page only. The author should include his or her mailing address, phone number(s), and e-mail address so that he or she can be contacted. A short (up to 3 sentences) biographical statement for each author of the article should also be included.
Generally, articles are up to 8-10 pages in length (5500 words). If an article is more than 10 pages, please contact the editors' office before submitting it. For Romanians is available the Romanian section too. We are invited to write in English and in Romanian. More than, we try to assure a paper edition for Romanian target.
All contributions should be accompanied by a statement indicating that the work has not been previously published and that it is not simultaneously under consideration by another journal.
Authors bear responsibility for the accuracy of all references and quotations. The review and the team editors are not responsible for ideas and contents of the articles. The authors are the single responsible for the materials presented.
All materials received and accepted for publisher will be transformed by editorial team in PDF format.
Submission Address
Mailing address :
6, Doamna Ghica St, Bl.3, Sc.B, Et. 5, apt.60, sector 2, Bucharest, Romania , 222832
The present terms are considered as accord with authors.

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